Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Vacation

So, I actually got to stay home today. We had no school today, so that meant no practice till seven, and Mami felt sick so we're at home, and clean up won't start till later, much later (I hope) and OMC i actually have time to use the computer! Even if it's for culture project (although I'm kinda sneaking other stuff as you can see...) ;D

Monday, November 5, 2007

[Late] Happy Halloween!

Okay, so I guess I'm a little late in wishing you all a Happy Halloween, but I'll say it anyway: Happy Halloween!

Me looking a little dishivled by the end of the day. I was supposed to be a spiderweb.

So this was my first Halloween at RC, everything this year will be my first at RC really. It was pretty cool, almost everyone dressed up. I must say the best costumes were: K= a corn and some girl=the girl from 'The Ring', she did the walk and everything.

I told her "Cheese K, your costume is so corny" I just had to say it! :P

Later on that night we trick-or-treated by my 'abandoned nieghborhood'. I say that because we almost never get any trick-or-treaters. So then we went to where the real fun is, at my Tio Javi's, but it was pretty empty there too. At least I went to his almost nieghbor's house. She buys stuff from 'Oriental Express' and gives out these huge goody bags w/ lollipos and such.